Constitution of Croatia


Article 12 [State Language]

(1) The Croatian language and the Latin script are in official use in the Republic of Croatia.
(2) In individual local units, another language and the Cyrillic or some other script may, along with the Croatian language and the Latin script, be introduced into official use under conditions specified by law.

Article 14 [Equality]

(1) Citizens of the Republic of Croatia enjoy all rights and freedoms regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status, or other characteristics.
(2) All are equal before the law.

Article 15 [Rights of Foreigners, Cultural Rights]

(1) Members of all nations and minorities have equal rights in the Republic of Croatia.
(2) Members of all nations and minorities are guaranteed freedom to express their national identity, freedom to use their language and script, and cultural autonomy.